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Effective Strategies To Work With Your Remote Team

Shreya Gupta

88% of the organisations worldwide have mandated work from home post the Covid-19 pandemic.

The remote working concept is not a new one; it is an old notion that picked up pace since the pandemic hit the streets. With everyone being forced to stay inside and work from home, a veritable revolution is taking place in the working culture. Large and centralised coworking spaces are being transformed into work from home models, making virtual coworking spaces the new norm.

No matter how fascinating it may sound, managing a remote working team can be a daunting task for managers sitting miles away from their team. You may want to create great work culture with your remote team but at the same time you might face numerous challenges as you don’t have an option for face-to-face interaction. Considering the challenges, here are 5 robust strategies to help manage remote teams:-

Create a virtual coworking space for employees to interact and collaborate

Jumpstart your team’s communication to improve their collaboration and interaction.

Setting up a virtual coworking space that includes LIVE tracking (Eg: Google docs, ERP software) with reliable communication channels for each individual project. This can help steer the conversations in the right direction and help the remote team stay focused and productive.

Implement tools to manage and track activity

If you are used to working in a physical coworking space, chances are you see your team every day. But with remote working, the story changes entirely, you don't know who is working on what and who to delegate the next task. Keeping track becomes near impossible. However, by implementing tools to keep track of their attendance and activity, you can know what they are working on and be familiar of their upcoming tasks and deadlines.

Design Flexible Work Schedule

90% of employees say that offering work and schedule flexibility has yielded better productivity and increased their morale.

To manage your remote team effectively, you need to offer them flexibility. This not only helps support employees but also enhances business productivity dramatically. Give employees the freedom to work according to their preferred time as long as they are clocking in the desired daily hours. You can also leverage ERP softwares to manage team interactions better.

Fit Employee Engagement Activities in the Daily Routine

Since the dawn of the pandemic, employee engagement has become the number one priority for organisations. Inculcate engagement or fun activities like a 10-15 minutes chat time or a dumb charades game over a Zoom call to break the monotony of the daily work from home schedule.

Establish Achievable Goals

Just because your employees are not commuting to and from work doesn’t mean you overburden them. Exhausting employees is not the answer; instead set an achievable target which can be completed during office hours. Also, inculcate the habit of sticking to the work hours. This means, once your team has signed out, no further work calls for the day, unless incase of an urgency. This allows your team to relax and fuel up for the succeeding day.

Power Up & Strategise TODAY!

Managing digital nomads, i.e., your remote team can become very challenging, very quickly. However, you live in a technology-powered world; so leverage every tool at your disposal ranging from a virtual coworking space to communication tools, cloud storage and ERP softwares to ensure an earnest and productive team.

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Jan 07, 2023

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