Blogs about Startups are an ideal source for staying up to date on the latest developments and learn new insights about all sorts of startup topics. A good Startup Blog offers in-depth analyses, how to guides, industry trends, handy statistics insights, strategy papers, the best tools for the fixing problems and much more.
The only problem is that there are a lot of Startup Blogs out there and they are all screaming for your attention. It is estimated that there are more than 440 million blogs worldwide, and about 2 million blog posts are written every day. Luckily, not all of them write about Startups, but you get the idea right?
So which Startup Blogs are successful in providing the information you need and how can you find them? You can do a google search and search for the Best Startup Blogs, but then you get hundreds of “Best of Lists” in front of you, so that doesn’t help a lot either unless you want to spend a full day going through all those lists. Well, that is exactly what we did! We searched for 50 “Best of Lists” highlighting the most recommended Startup Blogs, selected and combined the 19 most valuable “Best of Lists” and earmarked and ranked what Blogs about Startups keep up appearing on most of those recently published lists. From a total of 204 Startup Blogs compared, reviewed and ranked, here are the Top 15 Startup Blogs around.
As we are a small business ourselves, we use this list as well for educating and inspiring our minds and for optimizing our Consultants 500 platform, on which you can also find and search for all sorts of Startup Experts.
Top 15 of Best & Most Recommended Startup Blogs
#1. OnStartups / Twitter Listed 11 out of 19 times. OnStartups is run by Dharmesh Shah who is a software entrepreneur and co-founder of HubSpot. He also graduated from MIT and wrote a thesis focused on startups so this guy knows what he is talking about. The blog is for and about software startups.
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#2. Both Sides of the Table / Twitter Listed 9 out of 19 times. On this website the perspectives of Mark Suster are published, a serial entrepreneur who turned into Venture Capitalist, running Upfront Ventures, one of the largest and most active early-stage funds in Southern California. It’s no wonder why this is one of the best startup blogs to follow.
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#3. Quick Sprout / Twitter Listed 9 out of 19 times. Quick Sprout is the business and marketing blog of Neil Patel, who runs this blog more as a side project. The blog is highly popular though and Neil Patel is considered to be an online marketing guru and is one of the most influential people on the web, so no wonder this side project blog ended up in the top of best startup blogs to follow.
